Rites and Ceremonies - Library Building

Title: Rites and Ceremonies - Library Building
Description: John H. Archer delivering his address at the Official Opening of the Library Building. Platform Party: Left to Right: Chas Neill, Manager, Poole Construction; Minoru Yamasaki, Architect; ______; E. M. Culliton, Chancellor; Robert L. Hanbidge, Lieutenant-Governor; Henry Baker, Mayor, City of Regina; _______, John H. Archer (Standing at Podium); Dr. John Spinks, President; Dr. Thomas (Tommy) H. McLeod; _______, Dr. William (Bill) A. Riddell; _______, Sidney (Sid) Harland, University Librarian; ______. Written on back of photograph: Library Official Opening Oct. 14, 1967; File 9157 No. 8, University of Regina; Front Row: Left to Right: Mr. C. Neill, Manager, Poole Construction Ltd.; Mr. Minoru Yamasaki, Architect; Mr. Gordon Grant, Minister of Health (for Mr. G. J. Trapp); Hon. E. M. Culliton, Chancellor; Mr. Robert L. Hanbidge, Liet. Governor; Mr. E. C. Leslie, Board of Governors (for Mr. A. Tubby); Dr. John W. T. Spinks, Librarian; The Rev. A. J. Tiefenbach, Luther College. Back Row: Centre: Mayor Henry Baker; Mr. D. A. Larmour, Director Physical Plant, Regina Campus; Far right: Col. Gordon Baird, aide-de-camp. to Lieut. Gov. Hanbidge. Front: John H. Archer is reading the address. item
Author: Industrial Photo
Date: 14-Oct-67
Collection: University Photograph Collection
File: 80-6 Photograph 15
Attributes: Black and white print - 8 x 10 inches

Produced by University of Regina Archives and Special Collections
Built with Wax.