

Message from the University Librarian

Friday Night, by Wilf Perrault. 2001
Wilf Perrault (b. 1947). Friday Night. University of Regina Archives & Special Collections, Wilf Perrault Fonds, 2021-10 Box 9, Folder 277, Silkscreen Print 44(3), 2001.

Libraries endure.

This simple statement was proven over and over again throughout the past year. As the university switched between teaching modalities and managed fluctuating on-campus student and faculty numbers, the Dr. John Archer Library and Archives adapted at every turn — ensuring that everyone was welcome, in-person or virtually. Archer’s faculty and staff repeatedly demonstrated their commitment, their professionalism, and most importantly their innovation in supporting the teaching, research, and learning enterprise at the University of Regina. Our people ensure that libraries endure!

One of our key activities this year was to develop an Archer specific strategic plan that supports and helps advance the University’s 2020-2025 strategic plan, All Our Relations. This activity demonstrated to all of us how Archer contributes to the overall mission of the University, and more importantly to the learning and research goals of our students and faculty. Libraries endure because we are relevant!

This year’s annual report also showcases another critical library constituency – our donors. As you browse the report you will see example after example of how individuals from Regina and far beyond insure that our research and teaching collections and our physical environment are continually renewed and kept relevant through donations and partnerships. Committed life-long supporters ensure that libraries endure!

Finally, the report shows the many and varied ways that the Archer Library and Archives engaged with the campus and broader community. From displays, in-person and remote presentations and lectures, the Library Award, and participation in activities throughout southern Saskatchewan, our faculty and staff were an integral part of life on campus, in the city, and throughout the province. Libraries endure because we are community!

No matter your relationship with the Dr. John Archer Library and Archives, I hope that you see your connection with us reflected in this report, and I again want to personally thank everyone who has contributed to our amazing success over the past year.

Brett Waytuck, University Librarian