
Strategic Objectives

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The Dr. John Archer Library & Archives’ staff developed Strategic Goals to guide our work until 2025. Much of this work was already underway and continues to be our focus along with responding to the current needs of students, faculty and researchers. The work is regularly reviewed by the Library Assessment Team (LAT).

  • Calculate waste reduction achieved by purchasing e-books
  • Develop a comprehensive training program to support university-wide employee compliance with the University’s Records & Information Management Policy
  • Enable access to SILS Collections
  • Ensure information technology applications, systems, and vendors used by the library are as environmentally sustainable as possible
  • Ensure staff are aware of current needs of international students
  • Expand Personal Librarian Program to Student Success Centre’s Academic Recover Program
  • Implement reparative collection development & descriptive practices in Archives
  • Incorporate inclusive language in Quick Find
  • Increase accessibility of print collection for students at a distance or with print disabilities
  • Increase the collection of institutional publications in digital format
  • Increase visibility of archival and primary source digital collections
  • Increase visibility of Indigenous researchers in oURSpace
  • Increase visibility of new and under-utilized library resources
  • Investigate creating micro-credential courses from new and existing Archer training/information literacy materials
  • Investigate the establishment of a U of R Indigenous and EDI author recognition program, either as part of the existing Author Recognition Program or as a separate initiative
  • Profile U of R and Saskatchewan environmental research by building a collection of open, accessible, authentic and reusable datasets
  • Reduce waste produced across the Library and Archives during process, accessioning and reference processes
  • Review provenance of items received as part of the MacKenzie art bequest