
oUR Research

Scholarly Activities, Research, Publications

Librarian authors

Cara Bradley

Bradley, C. (2021). The Role of Institutional Repositories in the Dissemination and Impact of Community-Based Research. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 16(3), 18–31.

Bradley, C. (2022). The Canadian Index of Wellbeing: A better way to assess and communicate the value of libraries. Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, 16(2), 1-15. https://doi/org/10.21083/partnership.v16i2.6440

Sattar, S., Haase, K., Tejero, I., Bradley C., Mariano, C., Kilgour, H., Verma, R., Amir, E., Alibhai, S. (2022). The impact of cognitive impairment on treatment toxicity, treatment completion, and survival among older adults receiving chemotherapy: A systematic review. Cancers 14(6), 1582.

Mary Chipanshi

Brown, J., Goodridge, D., Thorpe, L., Hodson, A., & Chipanshi, M. (2021). Factors Influencing Practitioners’ Who Do Not Participate in Ethically Complex, Legally Available Care: Scoping Review. BMC Medical Ethics, 22(1), 134-143.

Brad Doerksen

Doerksen, B. (2020). Institutional Literacy and Libraries: Addressing Library Anxiety with a Personal Librarian Program. Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, 15(2), 1–19.

Christina Winter

Winter, C., Swartz, M., Owen, V., Ludbrook, A., Selman, B., & Tiessen, R. (2021). Canadian Collaborations: Library Communications and Advocacy in the Time of COVID-19. Journal of Copyright in Education & Librarianship, 5(1).

Graham, R., & Winter, C. (2021). What Has Changed Since 2015? A New and Expanded Update on Copyright Practices and Approaches at Canadian Post-Secondaries. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 16(4), 2–40.

de Castell, C., Dickison, J., Mau, T., Swartz, M., Tiessen, R., Wakaruk, A., & Winter, C. (2022). Controlled Digital Lending of Library Books in Canada (February 9, 2022). [pre-print paper.]