
Dr. John Archer Library Award

2022 Winner: Breanna Hemmelgarn

Archer Library Award Winner

The recipient of the Dr. John Archer Library Award for 2022 is Breanna Hemmelgarn, a student of the Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. Breanna won $1,000 for writing the best reflective essay about how she used the University Library’s resources and services to conduct research and complete an assignment. Her graded assignment was for CNUR 201 and required Hemmelgarn to critically reflect on a topic of interest (in this case, harm reduction as it relates to substance use and addictions), analyze pre-existing literature, and consider its relevance to the nursing profession.

Copies of both the essay and the harm reduction project have been added to oURspace. The award’s online application form for next year’s award will be available through the Student Awards and Financial Aid Office in early January 2023. More information about the Library Award can be found on the library’s website.