
William (Bill) Sgrazzutti

Strategic Initiatives Coordinator (Retired July 1, 2020)

Photo of Bill Sgrazzutti

Strategic, knowledgeable, honourable, humble, supportive, innovative, a consummate professional and a jokester – some of the many words that colleagues in the Library and University community have used to describe William (Bill) Sgrazzutti, Strategic Initiatives Coordinator at Archer Library.

For more than 20 years, Bill’s served the University of Regina Library and demonstrated his commitment to University of Regina students and faculty, initially as a subject liaison librarian for music and education, then as an Associate University Librarian, next as the University Librarian, and finally as the Strategic Initiatives Coordinator.

He has been a leader in the Library field at the local, provincial and national level, leading the growth of CASLS, a consortium of Regina libraries as well as nationally at the Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL) and the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL).

It’s been said that there is no I in Team and Bill certainly demonstrated that philosophy in his professional and vocational efforts. He is a collaborative team leader and builder and a trusted advisor and colleague: “He is not only a visionary, but also someone who can gather the right people together and lead them through to make sure that vision is achieved.” (a colleague)

In his spare time, Bill is a collaborative pianist and accompanist for the Conservatory of Performing Arts who works with students of any age, instrument and musical background. He is involved with musical theatre productions and local choral ensembles and a member of Darke Hall Five.

We wish Bill the best in his retirement. As one colleague stated: “He has left a legacy that will be long remembered, even though he would never personally take credit for that legacy.” Bill, you are missed.

Tributes to Bill

“In the 20+ years that Bill has been with the Library, he has been a leader, a positive force for change, an inspiration, and a true colleague. I can honestly say that the University Library and Archives would not be what it is today without his tireless work, his attention to both big and small details, his advocacy for the Library at campus, provincial, and national tables, and his concern and consideration for every employee who works and has worked here.… [During my time working with Bill], I have been reminded daily of Bill’s unparalleled professionalism, his commitment to the Library and Archives and the University, and his willingness to work collaboratively with each and every one of us to make things better for staff, faculty, and students. Bill has been an influential and devoted member of the Archer family, and every day I will miss his critical thinking, his wry sense of humour, his willingness to get things done, and his attention to detail.”

- Brett Waytuck, University Librarian

“Bill Sgrazzutti was, gratefully, my mentor when I took over as Librarian at First Nations University in October 2015 until his retirement in 2019. In 2015, in consultation with the Associate VP, we decided that I was in need of an experienced mentor to help while the university went through yet another downsizing and financial belt-tightening. She contacted Bill, and he was nothing short of an amazing mentor. With his many years as University Librarian, he worked with me and provided that much needed support and guidance on a range of things from staff and patron concerns to new course collaborations in the Graduate department and grant proposal suggestions for outside funding applications. I grew to rely on his outstanding support, and know that without his professional leadership, the library and myself would not be where we are today.”

- Paula Daigle, University Librarian, First Nations University of Canada

“It’s a pleasure to provide a brief tribute to Bill upon his retirement from the University. There are many facets to Bill – the dedicated librarian and administrator, the valued and thoughtful member of Deans’ Council, the quiet campus presence with a fondness for understated humour, the very skilled musician assisting many in the community by acting as accompanist and coach – the list goes on. I came to know Bill best during the years he led the University Library and sat on Deans’ Council. His thoughtfulness when confronted with challenges, his commitment to providing the best possible service to Library clients in years of budget constraint, and his collegial, supportive interactions with other campus leaders were all characteristic of him. The University is a better place because of Bill’s time here. I wish him a long, happy retirement filled with music, laughter, and joy.”

- Thomas Chase, Interim President and Vice-Chancellor, University of Regina