
Karen Wiome

Library Administrator

Photo of Karen Wiome

I am a long-serving employee of the University of Regina (over 30 years) and have had the honour of working in a variety of clerical and administrative positions across the campus. During this time, I have seen the university not only grow our student enrolment but also our complement of faculty and staff. I have also witnessed the University of Regina’s growth in areas of our technology (very few had computers 30 years ago, and students registered in person enduring long line ups at the Registrar’s Office that circled the 2nd floor of the Administration-Humanities multiple times), our programming, our services and our physical footprint.

I have worked in my current position as Library Administrator for five years. In this position, I oversee the day-to-day operations of the Dr. John Archer Library including financial, human resource, facilities related, library policy and special projects. I also participate in most high-level aspects of Library planning and communication along with the University Librarian, and the Associate University Librarians. To say the least, the Archer Library and Archives is a BUSY and complicated place – mixing people, materials, and services. My position is one that primarily works behind the scenes ensuring students and staff have comfortable study/work spaces and that the library is overall a safe, and welcoming place to work and study.

Over the past year, COVID-19 has changed how we work, learn and study. The challenges and logistics in creating the library as a continued safe space for students and library staff to return to in limited capacity, was at times overwhelming and ever-changing, sometimes on a daily basis. Working within the guidelines set out by the Saskatchewan Health Authority/Saskatchewan Government and the University of Regina, the Archer Library transitioned from a ‘physical to virtual’ environment in a relatively short turn around period in March 2020. Working with various internal and external stakeholders, we continue to implement new services such as contact-free Book PickUp (curbside pickup) to ensure that students are still receiving the materials that they require, but in a safe environment.

Even with the provincial roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine, there remains uncertainty surrounding a full return of students, faculty and staff to the campus environment. Regardless, I, in my current role, along with other Library staff will keep student and staff safety at the forefront of our planning.