

Photograph of author Kim Soo Goodtrack
Kim Soo Goodtrack

Two events in 2020-21 helped support Truth and Reconciliation and particularly establishing more Indigenous content in education. The first activity pertains to Archer Library’s participation in Saskatchewan’s Aboriginal Storytelling (SAS) program since 2017 . This program is managed by the Library Services for Saskatchewan Aboriginal Peoples (LSSAP) Committee. SAS is an opportunity for Archer Library to support and celebrate Indigenous oral storytelling traditions. Due to COVID-19, Archer Library’s SAS session invited Kim Soo Goodtrack, a traditional teacher, to lead a one hour online storytelling session on February 10, 2021. The event took place on the Zoom platform and approximately 70 attendees registered. Approximately 50% of those individuals were school teachers in Saskatchewan so more than 600 K-8 students viewed the session in their classrooms.

The second event was Archer Library participating in the virtual activities segment of the Fort Qu’Appelle Tribal Council Treaty 4 Gathering. The Library co-presented with the Curator/Preparator of the President’s Advisory Committee on Art (PACA) for a free session on Art on September 17, 2020. The library segment was titled Historical and Current Resources about Indigenous Peoples in Canada and the PACA session was titled Indigenous artwork from the University of Regina President’s Art Collection. The event was part of a week-long series of activities that were offered by various organizations in Treaty 4.