
Zambian Outreach and Research

Mary Chipanshi

I joined the University of Regina as the Nursing Librarian for the Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing (SCBScN) program (offered in collaboration with Saskatchewan Polytechnic) in 2011, after several years of working in special and academic libraries. Being part of the new SCBScN program and participating in its growth journey has been challenging, exciting and rewarding.

Additionally, in my other assigned subject areas kinesiology and health studies and psychology, I have had the privilege of working with several students and faculty. My role has ranged from conducting information literacy (IL) classes to assisting faculty in their research needs. As a librarian in the Liaison Program during this time of COVID-19, I see great strides towards closer librarian faculty collaboration in integrating on-line IL and providing assistance in advancing faculty research goals and sharing resources to support teaching needs.

My research interests are information literacy and international students’ experiences. In 2019, with the support from the U of R, I combined my research interests by going on a six-month sabbatical to research the information literacy and information seeking skills of undergraduate students at the University of Zambia (UNZA) in Lusaka, Zambia. This exploratory qualitative study was undertaken to gain an insight into the types of library/academic environments our international students may originate from. An excerpt of the results indicated that students at UNZA encountered challenges in acquiring information for their assignments. Among other factors, a lack of library materials was identified. The complete study and results will be submitted for publication.